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49 West Avenue, Willimantic, CT 06226


Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9-4, Tuesday/Thursday 9-12



1) Improvements & Upgrades at Father Honan Terrace- see details below

Bids Due: 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 23, 2025

Contract documents including plans and specifications can be viewed online December 16, 2024 and purchased from Advanced Reprographics Plan Room website. Visit http://www.advancedplanroom.com select "Public Jobs" and select "Improvements & Upgrades at Father Honan Terrace for the Willimantic HA.

2) Design/ Build Radon Mitigation System at Father Honan Terrace- stay tuned

3) Fire Alarm Replacement at Father Honan Terrace-- see details below

Bids Due: 11:00 AM on Thursday, January 23, 2025

Contract documents including plans and specifications can be viewed online January 6, 2025, and purchased from Advanced Reprographics Plan Room website. Visit http://www.advancedplanroom.com select "Public Jobs" and select "Fire Alarm Replacement at Father Honan Terrace for the Willimantic HA.


1) Improvements & Upgrades at Father Honan Terrace (2024-12-13)

Bids Due: 2:00 p.m. Thursday, January 23, 2025

HACW CHFA �" 24301, CDBG �" SC23-16-301-A

The Housing Authority of the City of Willimantic (the "HACW") is seeking a General Contractor

for its proposed renovation of Father Honan Terrace (the "Project"). HACW is requesting a

Sealed Bid from interested parties for the Project. Project is both state and federally funded

through the CT Department of Housing and may include CT Housing Finance Authority funds.

Project is subject to Davis-Bacon/State wages, compliance with certain local, state, and federal

requirements including but not limited to Section 3. Contract documents including plans and

specifications can be viewed online December 16, 2024 and purchased from Advanced

Reprographics Plan Room website. Visit http://www.advancedplanroom.com select "Public

Jobs" and select "Improvements & Upgrades at Father Honan Terrace for the Willimantic

HA. Sealed bids plainly marked with the appropriate title "Improvements & Upgrades at Father

Honan Terrace" will be received by the Housing Authority of the City of Willimantic until 2:00

PM on Thursday January 23, 2025, in the office of the Housing Authority of the City of

Willimantic, 49 West Avenue, Willimantic, CT at which time and place they will be publicly

opened and read aloud. Any proposal received after the specified time and date may not be

considered. A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Father Honan Terrace, 10 Valley

Street, Ext., Willimantic, CT 06226 on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 2PM. The Housing Authority

of the City of Willimantic reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals; to waive any

informalities, or to accept any proposal deemed in the best interests of the Housing Authority of

the City of Willimantic. All bids will be considered valid for a period of thirty (90) days.




DOWNLOAD/VIEW: father_honan.pdf

3) Fire Alarm Replacement at Father Honan Terrace (2025-01-08)

Sealed bids for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, services and equipment necessary to complete the “Fire Alarm Replacement at Father Honan Terrace” will be received by Kim Haddad, Executive Director, Willimantic Housing Authority, 49 West Ave, Willimantic, Connecticut, 06226, until 11:00 AM on Thursday, January 23, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received after the Bid Opening will be returned unopened.

The successful bidder will be required to furnish and pay for 100% Performance and Payment Bonds. The successful bidder must have the minimum insurance coverage required by the CT Department of Housing.

Contract documents including plans and specifications can be viewed online January 6, 2025, and purchased from Advanced Reprographics Plan Room website. Visit http://www.advancedplanroom.com select “Public Jobs” and select “Fire Alarm Replacement at Father Honan Terrace for the Willimantic HA. A mandatory pre-bid walk through will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday, January 10, 2025. All interested parties are to meet at the project site, Father Honan Terrace, 10 Valley Street Extension, Willimantic, CT 06226.

A satisfactory Bid Bond or Certified Check, in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the base bid, shall be submitted with each bid. The Bid Bond shall be made payable to Willimantic Housing Authority and shall be properly executed by the Bidder and acceptable sureties. All bonds must be from sureties registered in the State of Connecticut.

This project is funded by the CT Department of Housing and requires compliance with the Equal Employment Opportunity provisions of Executive Order 11246; Non Discrimination Provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; labor Standards Provision of the Davis- Bacon Act and related acts and Contract Work Hours Standards Act; Section 3 Contractor Requirements; DOH Program Requirements; Prevailing Wage determinations as issued by the Connecticut Department of Labor; and Prevailing Wage determinations as issued by the United States Department of Labor, and other provisions outlined in the bid documents.

Bids, to receive consideration, must be in the hands of the authorized representative no later than the day and hour mentioned above. No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after the opening of bids, without the consent of the above Authority.

The Town of Windham and the Willimantic Housing Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all options, bids or proposals; to waive any technicality in any bid or part thereof, and to accept any bid deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Windham and the Willimantic Housing Authority.

The Willimantic Housing Authority and the Town of Windham are Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employers, and encourage bid submissions from Section 3 firms, MBE’s, WBE’s and SBE’s.

Dated this 5th day of January 2025

Kim Haddad, Executive Director

Willimantic Housing Authority

DOWNLOAD/VIEW: fire_alarm_system_father_honan_bid_docs_2.pdf